Fiona Lothian - About Me

A late bloomer when it comes to reading, I wasn't that child that wanted to read, I wanted to play. Eventually, almost a teen, I discovered the pleasure of reading. I guess it follows that I would be late to write.

Once I started writing I couldn't stop, I was hooked. My passion grew and I wanted to write everything and anything. It's like I'm starving and I've come upon a banquet, the more I try the more I want to taste.

Born in Essex England, my life of travel started as a baby. With my English mother and Scot's father, my older sister and brother I lived in England, New Zealand, Africa and Canada.

I now live in the Waikato of New Zealand with my lovely supportive husband, a couple of dogs, a cat and a budgie.

I could draw from my work, my travels, my life experiences but ultimately my stories come from one place, my imagination.

A Poem of Love by Fiona Lothian

Enriched by love
That of a lover
A friend or a mother
A father passed
Children who are there
Or nowhere
Grandchildren that tug your heart
Four legged with a tail
That love unconditionally
Enriched by their love and loving them

                                                         May 2021

Bridal Veil Falls

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